Chef's Corner Store Blog

Roll Out the Party With a Bar Cart

Roll Out the Party With a Bar Cart

Posted by Amy on Dec 29th 2021

There is something about a bar cart that confidently proclaims "I am the host with the most, ready to entertain at the drop of a hat. Martha Stewart who?" Or maybe that’s just what we think they sa … read more
Thanksgiving Turkey Alternatives

Thanksgiving Turkey Alternatives

Posted by Amy on Nov 11th 2021

I confess, I am a terrible person: When I heard about a turkey shortage this year, I grinned. I’m sure I bore an unflattering resemblance to the Grinch when he decided to steal all the presents in … read more
Good Vanilla: Anything But Plain

Good Vanilla: Anything But Plain

Posted by Amy on Sep 22nd 2021

Even if you’re not a fan of Ina Garten -- also known as the Barefoot Contessa -- chances are you’ve heard her philosophies on food and cooking: “If you don’t have time to make it, store bought is … read more
Yes, Please or We'll Pass: Apple Pie Hot Dog

Yes, Please or We'll Pass: Apple Pie Hot Dog

Posted by Julie on Sep 8th 2021

We’re big baseball fans at Chef’s Corner Store. We’re also willing to try all sorts of zany recipes, even when the combination of ingredients sounds a little odd. So when we came across this rec … read more
Light My Fire: Flambé Desserts

Light My Fire: Flambé Desserts

Posted by Julie on Feb 10th 2021

Given the events of the past year, it’s no wonder we’ve had occasional urges to light fires. Fortunately, we’ve been able to cope in healthier, more productive ways, like spending more time in the … read more
Sweet and Sticky Molasses Recipes

Sweet and Sticky Molasses Recipes

Posted by Julie on Jan 13th 2021

There are lots of ways to sweeten your baked goods and add a touch of sweetness to savory recipes too. We covered several options in our post on natural sugar substitutes. In this post, we’ll di … read more